
Meeting Reports for April 2006

Posted in Meeting Reports at 10:40 pm by Kris

To round out the missing reports, here are the ones for April:
Our first April meeting, April 2, had three attendees; myself, Robert and Jessie, who all settled down to watch the tape of our usual eps, featuring Naruto #48, Full Metal Alchemist #32, Hikaru no Go #57, Damekko Doubutsu #10, Bleach #21, and Galaxy Angel III #41-42, along with a brief and haunting Miyizaki-esque short.

Our next meeting would have fallen on Easter Sunday, so it was pushed back a week to April 23, which coincided with Starfest, the sci-fi con in Denver. Since Mark is one of the con’s organizers, we put the other tape he made to good use and enjoyed Naruto #49, Full Metal Alchemist #33, Hikaru no Go #58, Damekko Doubutsu #11, Bleach #22, and Galaxy Angel III #43-44. Attendance picked up again with about 6 people.

Thus concludes our lapse in meeting reports; keep an eye out for announcements about new activities and shows through the spring and summer!!!

Meeting reports for March 2006

Posted in Meeting Reports at 10:40 pm by Kris

March had its highs and lows for the club. Our first meeting in March, Mar.5, was one of our “and now for something completely different ” meetings. Mark has been involved in an ongoing research project and was unable to attend; thus we eschewed our usual schedule and spent the day talking, drawing, trading cosplay tips and listening to music. This was one of our best-attended meetings in a while with at least 8 or 9 people (Yay!)
Our March 19 meeting(or lack of meeting) was exactly the opposite; coming armed with tapes of the eps courtesy of Mark, I waited for close to a half-hour with only one member(Robert) appearing. Eventually I decided to cancel the meeting and save the eps for future viewing with a larger audience. Reports of an impending snowstorm and Spring Break may have been factors for the lack of attendance.

Meeting reports for February 2006

Posted in Meeting Reports at 10:39 pm by Kris

Hi all!!! (yes, we’re still here!!!) Been a while since either Mark or myself have posted meeting reports, so it’s high time that’s taken care of. Our meeting Feb. 5 was initially up in the air due to the Super Bowl, but we ended up holding it anyway. Attendance was fairly good with about 7 members (shows we’re not exactly football fans, doesn’t it? or maybe just since the Broncos weren’t playing…) and we enjoyed our usual fare of Naruto #47, Fullmetal Alchemist #31, Hikaru no Go #56, Damekko Doubutsu #9, Bleach #20, and Galaxy Angel III #39-40.

Our other February meeting, on the 19th was extremely quiet. With only Mark and myself initially, we chose to watch a random selection of shows, starting with the first episode of a new series called Mushishi; different but intriguing. Afterward being in the mood for a little Hikago and Bleach action, we watched Hikaru no Go #57 and Bleach #21, along with an interesting little parody of the AMV-making process featuring footage from Cowboy Bebop and music by Perry Como and the Squirrel Nut Zippers(!?!) We adjourned early, unfortunately just before a couple of members appeared…Sorry, folks.
(Never fear, the Bleach and Hikago eps were repeated on April 2, and the CB amv on Apr. 23.)