
Report on March 30 meeting

Posted in Meeting Reports at 8:35 pm by mark

As scheduled, Hellsing #5, RahXephon #4, Hikaru no Go #1, Haibane Renmei #4, and Galaxy Angel #4 were shown. The library’s large video monitor appears to have picked up some magnetic field damage somewhere along the way.

The episodes got a slightly late start due to shuffling around the room layout a bit, but I tried a new technique for showing the episodes one after another with no interruptions that worked well and kept everything running smoothly, so the meeting only ran over time by a few minutes. After the meeting, a few folks stayed for a five-minute overview of the game of Go.

Next meeting will be Sunday, April 13, from 1:30-3:30 PM. Scheduled episodes will be Hellsing #6, RahXephon #5, Hikaru no Go #2, Haibane Renmei #5, and Galaxy Angel #5.

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